Monday, August 6, 2007

Words from the Road


As some of you may know I am at a teachers conference at Washington University in St. Louis. Besides for the weather the conference is amazing. When we say Denver is hot but at least it is dry it is so very true. But this is a technology blog so I can take advantage of the air conditioning while I write it.

Besides for the great teaching skills I am learning while at the conference I am also getting to be part of some Web 2.0 type interactivity that I had yet to experience before this point. Basically while the conference is here it is also out on the web and somewhat open to the many people who could not make it or just know 85% humidity and 95 degrees does not mix well.

You can go to and see the wide array of outside sites that are being used -most for free - to host the virtual conference. I will be writing more about this topic of integrating free/low cost external services into a dynamic web presence. For now I will point out that I blog on Google for free rather than installing a blogging application on my site.

Web 2.0 is more than just fun and games. You Tube will become a tool (or another site offering similar services) for engaging others without boundaries. More than ever I am learning to understand the power of Web 2.0.

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