Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Being Dynamic

This morning I went to a forum at the South Metro Chamber of Commerce on a very charged issue. The forum had people with various political leanings on the issue, some who would shout their opinions from the roof tops and others who would not share without some level of privacy. Even when we are not talking about politically charged issues seeking feedback and using that dynamically in presentations and the way we interact with our customers is critical for effective communication.

At this morning’s event the team that did the presentations gave each of us a credit card sized remote with the numbers 1 - 10 on it. Many questions from demographics to opinions about the issues were asked and the skilled presenters were able to use the data to discuss the view of the room in comparison with the views of others in the State.

The software that presenter used had tabulated the results instantly, giving immediate feedback to the room using graphs. The data is also being collected so that they have an arsenal of live data to use in other forums and when lobbying.

This type of active feedback is not only important for public presentations. How would it be to have an “I Will Buy It Meter” over every prospects head? We could know so much more about how to better engage with prospects and even the casual browser who might walk out of our store and tell his friends how cool the new gadget he/she saw.

The Internet provides us tools like this. In the past I have written about analytics and how we can look at data retrospectively to understand how our sites’ visitors use our website.

New technologies like live chat and polling make it easy to find out what our customers want as they are engaging with us in our informational websites as well as online store fronts.

Think about all the great ways you can engage your clients and prospects and be dynamic.

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