Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Think you'r kids are safe online?

If you think your kids are safe online, My Space, a popular social networking site shared the frightening news that there are 29,000 sex offenders with profiles on the site. These are just the ones that they have been able to identify! There are safe ways to use the Internet and there are safe ways to share the Internet with your children but My Space is NOT one of them.

See this article on the Boston Herald.

Friday, July 20, 2007

First Denver DataMan Open Class Goes Well

The first Denver DataMan open class with Link to Share went very well. We covered an introduction to eMail.

Denver DataMan classes with Link to Share support the community by giving $2.50 cents of each tuition to KidsTek. Our goal is to raise $250 for KidsTek by the end of the year with these classes.

Here is a proposed list for class topics for the rest of the year.

August 2nd - Introduction to Outlook

August 16th - Digital Street Smarts - or an introduction to what the average user needs to know to stay safe on the Internet

September 6th - Home Networking - a beginners guide

September 20th RSS and Podcasts – if you don’t know what this means you will still want to come!

October 4thDigital Street Smarts - or an introduction to what the average user needs to know to stay safe on the Internet

October 18th –Constant Contact

November 1st - Buying your next computer – if you need too

November 15th - Address Books and Mailings

December 6th – Creating Holiday Gifts with Computers

December 20th – More Holiday fun with the computer

Classes are held at Rebekah & Co. Spa on the first and third Thursday of the month from 10:30 - 11:30

Rebekah & Co. Spa
1220 W. Littleton Blvd
Littleton, 80120

Saturday, July 14, 2007

New Google Map Features

Google maps has now added a new feature that adds a great deal of worth to this already excellent application. You can now change your route simply by dragging the route to a new highway. For example going from Thornton to DIA Google is sure that I need to take E470 but that is not always true. With this new feature I can drag my route on to 104th or highway 70 and it will recalculate it accordingly.

Check out this video for more information.

What else can the people at Google bring us.

Monday, July 9, 2007

World Community Grid has reached the 100,000 years of run time mark!

Though I have only completed 102 days of computing personally for the world Community Grid the grid completed 100,000 years of work as of July 7th. This milestone is one for the grid, computing, and for the research that the grid is doing!

Need proof that the grid works? At the sane time IBM announced this mile stone it also announced the completion of one of the grids genetic comparison project. Find out more about the research being done with the grid at

If you want to help save the world contact Denver DataMan to learn how to install the World Community Grid software on your computer!