Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Ask the DataMan Session Follow-up

Today's Ask the DataMan session benefiting KidsTek was a great success. Many wonderful questions were asked and answered. Here is the follow-up to some of the questions.

When discussing computer security we address passwords. Click here for a guide on creating a secure password. Come October 4th to the Denver DataMan Digital Street Smarts class to more about computer security.

The following is the answer to who can open MS Office 2007 files from Microsoft:
"By installing the Compatibility Pack along side of Microsoft Office XP, or Office 2003, you will be able open, edit, save, and create files using the Open XML Formats new to the 2007 Microsoft Office system. Office 2000 users, as well as users of Windows 2000 SP4 and later, can convert Open XML Formats to binary file formats [the pre-office 2007 file format] from within Windows Explorer." Click here to download compatibility pack directly form Microsoft.

For more information on the World Community Grid go to http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/ and download the software. If you download the software join the Denver DataMan team. Denver DataMan provides free World Community Grid Support to clients.

After the main Ask the DataMan session some of us spoke about a website called Jott.com that lets you send yourself and others email by calling into their system speaking your message. This is a great tool when your out and about.

I hope everyone who attended had a great time!


Monday, August 27, 2007

Karis Community Launches new Website

Karis Community, a client of Denver DataMan Launches new Website! The new website was built by Denver DataMan and Cuttlefish Arts. With the new website Karis Community will be able to more effectivly communicate with potential clients, partners and supporters by having a nicer site as well as one they can update themselves!

Friday, August 24, 2007


I listen to a lot of books on CD and I can not think of a time before this when I would call something a must read before I had even finished the second CD but Wikinomics is a must read/listen to book. Born out of its own multi-national collaborative project Wikinomics looks at how the world is changing because of what is often called Web 2.0. The economics and business concepts are interesting but so far the most interesting site I have found from it is Taking it Global a site dedicated to discussions on global issues.

Stay tuned for more posts on this amazing book!

First TT4T Donation

Tech Toys 4 Kids got its first donation yesterday. 12 monitors were donated by the Mile High United Way to be given to kids who do not have computers. Next week we will be getting the computers to match.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

eMail Marketing Tips

This is a very good article from Constant Contact about how to build your eNewsletter list.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Words from the Road


As some of you may know I am at a teachers conference at Washington University in St. Louis. Besides for the weather the conference is amazing. When we say Denver is hot but at least it is dry it is so very true. But this is a technology blog so I can take advantage of the air conditioning while I write it.

Besides for the great teaching skills I am learning while at the conference I am also getting to be part of some Web 2.0 type interactivity that I had yet to experience before this point. Basically while the conference is here it is also out on the web and somewhat open to the many people who could not make it or just know 85% humidity and 95 degrees does not mix well.

You can go to www.caje.org and see the wide array of outside sites that are being used -most for free - to host the virtual conference. I will be writing more about this topic of integrating free/low cost external services into a dynamic web presence. For now I will point out that I blog on Google for free rather than installing a blogging application on my site.

Web 2.0 is more than just fun and games. You Tube will become a tool (or another site offering similar services) for engaging others without boundaries. More than ever I am learning to understand the power of Web 2.0.